Unearthed a Language Based on Nature and Sounds.

I’ve made a language which I’ve named Harewe. The word is a combination of “Sotho” and “Hebrew” which makes Horewe, but I changed it to “Harewe” to give it the meaning that I wanted. The name of the language is “Hare” and “we” is an ending I give to languages, for example English is Engliwe in Harewe.

Characters & Numbers

Harewean Community

I have made a site on Discord to learn with others the language I’ve made, but I cannot just open it to anyone, so I invite members by myself.

Harewe isn’t just a language too me, it’s a learning tool, so I don’t need to speak it with anyone.

Tsi lici koawa tiyowa buwiki, jara tsi moawa tiyowa uup.


In Harewe words tell by themselves what they mean.

Aviwe Mqhele

Writer and copyist

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